Continuous Integration

You can easily test your contributions using grunt test. The following guide will show you how to set up a free build environment on Travis, with GitHub integration for pull requests. Paid alternatives exist for private repositories.

1. Enabling Travis and GitHub

Enabling Travis builds for your GitHub repository is pretty simple:

  1. Go to your profile on
  2. Find the repository for which you’re interested in enabling builds.
  3. Click the slider on the right so it says “ON” and is a dark grey.
  4. Optionally configure the build by clicking on the wrench icon. Further configuration happens in your .travis.yml file. More details on that below.

2. The Test Script

The simplest test script simply runs grunt test and ensures that Tonic doesn’t fail on style, unit or end-to-end tests.

3. Configuring Your Travis Builds

This file is used to configure your Travis builds. Below is a sample .travis.yml file, and what follows that is an explanation of each line.

    - sudo apt-get install npm
    - npm install -g grunt grunt-cli
    - npm install
    - grunt test